- Master Musculoskeletale revalidatiewetenschappen en kinesitherapie (2018, U Gent)
- Myofasciale Therapie, Dry Needling (2019, The Hive)
- Dry Needling Advanced onderste en bovenste kwadrant (2021, The Hive)
- Manuele Therapie series de lumbale wervelzuil (2023, Next Academy)
- Manuele Therapie series Cervical en High Cervical Spine (2023, Next Academy)
- Manuele Therapie series Thoracic Spine and Upper Limb (2023, Next Academy)
- Symposium Diafragma of Middenrif (2024, Smarteducation)
- Applied Kinesiology (2024, Profon)
- Healthy, fit & informed pregnant (2024, Smarteducation)